
Hustadvika 2.0 Wool jumper Children, Atlantic blue

Regular price 627,00
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    • Soft and comfortable wool sweater knitted from the world's finest wool, 100% merino wool from Nativa. The sweater fits well inside, and is a practical intermediate layer when it's extra cold. Always be sure that your child is nice and warm with this wool sweater - no matter what is on the plan. What makes the Lanullva experience so different is primarily our own, airy knitting method. Advanced tests show that this way of knitting provides a completely unique insulating ability. More air provides more insulation and better ventilation. Excess heat and sweat are easily transported out of the body and through the garment - so that the child stays dry at all times, and just the right temperature. This product has full traceability - all the way from the farm to us.
    Soft and comfortable wool sweater knitted from the world's finest wool, 100% merino wool from Nativa. The sweater fits well inside, and is a practical intermediate layer when it's extra cold. Always be sure that your child is nice and warm with this wool sweater - no matter what is on the plan. What makes the Lanullva experience so different is primarily our own, airy knitting method. Advanced tests show that this way of knitting provides a completely unique insulating ability. More air provides more insulation and better ventilation. Excess heat and sweat are easily transported out of the body and through the garment - so that the child stays dry at all times, and just the right temperature. This product has full traceability - all the way from the farm to us.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 55 reviews
    Johanna F. (Oslo, NO)

    Superfin og behaglig også for barn som synes fort at «det klør». Holder seg fin i vask og er et pent plagg!

    Maria S. (Skien, NO)

    Helt nydelig. Størrelsen passer og stoffet er myk og deilig. Min datter er varm og fin med settet vi kjøpte. Takk ❤️

    Heidi E. (Molde, NO)

    Hustadvika 2.0 Ullgenser Barn, Vinje Grå

    Kari R. (Saupstad, NO)

    Hustadvika 2.0 Ullgenser Barn, Vinje Grå

    Anna M.E. (Oppegård, NO)
    Ville bestille et sett

    Jeg ville ha et sett i samme farge til sønnen min, men det viste seg at buksen var utsolgt etter at jeg hadde bestilt. Ventet på at buksen skulle bli ettersendt når det ble fult opp på lageret. Nå har jeg fått beskjed om at jeg får tilbake penger og at mange farger blir fylt på i desember/januar. Så da vet jeg ikke om jeg får samme farge. Hadde jeg vis dette, hadde jeg ventet med å kjøpe begge deler og å være sikker på at jeg får et sett i samme farge.

    Vigdis H. (Oslo, NO)
    Gode ullklær for liten og stor.

    Kjempegode produkter. Skulle ønske prisen var litt lavere.
