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We repair your woolen clothes

Lanullva Vi reparerer ullklærne dine


If you are unlucky enough that your woolen clothes from your Lanullva get damaged, we will be happy to fix them for you! Contact us at

Lanullva's wool products are knitted in pure merino wool. Sometimes you can be unlucky with a thread coming loose, or you accidentally come across a velcro fastener that can destroy the elastic in the garment. We understand that this is very boring, which is why we want to offer repairs to our customers.

REMEMBER! All wool garments sent in for repair must be washed first.


We will fix a wool garment with easy repair for you free of charge + shipping if you send it to us by post.

If there are major repairs or more clothes, we charge NOK 100 per garment.

Do you want to repair your clothes yourself?

We will be happy to send you thread in an envelope - absolutely free of charge.

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1 comment

  • Eirin Lyngen Strømhylden

    Hei. Har en HUSTADVIKA 2.0 BARNEDRESS ZIP Hasselnød str. 4 år hvor en tråd nå har løsnet i ribbstrukturen på høyre arm som har gitt ett begynnende hull.
    Ønsker å sende inn produktet å få det reparert. Pris på reparasjon/frakt? Alternativt om man kan få tilsendt tråd for å fikse selv.

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