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Washing woolen clothes

Lanullva Vask av ullklær

By following these simple tips, you will enjoy and benefit from your woolen clothes from Lanullva for even longer!

Wash your woolen clothes as little as possible
Not only is it better for the environment, but this will also give your woolen clothes a longer life. It is often enough to lay the wool out for airing at night. Vipps, you have freshly washed woolen clothes the next morning - almost always.

Wool can absorb large amounts of water, and there is thus less bacteria and odor when used. It is not without reason that wool has a reputation for being "self-cleaning".

Detergent for wool
Use detergent intended for wool, preferably our own Lanullva wool wash , which is very mild and without preservatives. Enzymes and bleaching agents in ordinary detergent help to damage the wool fibres. Wool must not be soaked, treated with chlorine or have fabric softener added stain removers.

Wool program at a maximum of 30° C
Machine wash on wool program max 30° C. Wool is clean at low temperatures because dirt and grime do not penetrate the wool fibers so easily.

Centrifugation max 400 revolutions
Wool can withstand a gentle spin. With our airy knitting method, we recommend that the products be washed with centrifugation at a maximum of 400 revolutions. Remember to remove the clothes immediately afterwards.

Dry flat, and do not use a tumble dryer
Wool cannot withstand a tumble dryer, so the products should preferably be dried flat. After washing, the garment can be gently stretched if you feel that it has lost its shape. This is particularly important for our thin wool collection, Havbris.

Wash a few wool products at a time
This is more gentle on the wool, and your woolen clothes will retain their shape and function better. If you wash too many woolen garments together, the garments will rub against each other and piles will form more easily. Lanullva wool garments should only be washed together with wool garments of the same colour.

Do not mix other types of textiles with wool in the washing machine
Washing wool together with other types of textiles will felt and damage your wool garment.

Please wash your woolen garment before use
This means that our nice and airy knitting method sticks better. This applies especially to garments from our thicker wool collection, Hustadvika.

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