


A love story

In the early 1990s, knitting enthusiast Brit Vinje Lyngstad made a life-changing discovery - for both her and her husband Eilif. The two lived on a farm, in one of the coldest and wettest places in Norway. Gales and storms from the Atlantic Ocean, biting northerly wind and rain two out of three days a year, were the norm in North-West Norway.

Brit could no longer watch her husband come home wet and cold from the woods and farm work, day in and day out. Out of love for her Eilif, she got hold of extra soft, first-shear lamb's wool, and developed a new and completely different knitting method - with her simple knitting machine.

She held the ready-knit wool sweater up to the light - and explained. She had managed to improve wool's ability to insulate and to let more moisture through. The knitting method increased the number of air pockets in the jumper and felt different on the body. Eilif put it on, and quickly realized that there was something very special about this sweater. And thanks to Brit's invention, air and love - he stopped freezing.

Word of a new knitting method and of Brit's hot invention spread from farm to farm. In the end, she pawned everything she owned. borrowed a million kroner, went to Switzerland - and bought a much bigger knitting machine! This is how the woolen factory and the Lanullva brand saw the light of day, in 1994.

One day a group of workers on their way to Svalbard and minus 40-50 degrees ordered woolen underwear from her. They kept warm, and sent a touching letter of thanks back. SINTEF in Trondheim wanted to test whether the story was true - and compare it to other, well-known wool garments - which were knitted in the usual way.

The story was confirmed. "Of the tested products are The Lanullva underwear is clearly the best in terms of thermal properties. The colder, the better results are estimated for Lanullva . When it approaches minus 10 degrees and colder, is Lanullva very clearly the best."

This was the start of the world's warmest knitting method, Vinje ullvarefabrikk and today's Lanullva success. Brit's daughter Gunn Anne Vinje Lyngstad gained new momentum at the company from 2006 - and we still work every single day so that no one has to freeze.

It is an important job. Because the north wind out here by the Atlantic Ocean has no intention of giving up anytime soon.

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